Designing for SaaS: Top UI Designs and Best Practices

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Today, SaaS apps tackle modern challenges, from customer management to team communication. Yet, their designs must be user-friendly above all. If a SaaS doesn't ease user tasks, they'll find one that does.

In SaaS UI design, impactful design is key. Heartbeat specializes in crafting designs that not only enhance branding but also drive sales, attract investors, and strengthen brand loyalty.

SaaS in UX design

Navigating the world of SaaS from a UI/UX design perspective means walking a tightrope between the foundational principles of design and the unique intricacies of enterprise UX. It requires catering to an audience that ranges from tech novices in small startups to experts in large corporations.

SaaS UI Design

SaaS UI design transforms complex systems into intuitive interfaces. Heartbeat excels in creating visually appealing designs that simplify navigation, ensuring users find what they need with ease. Our approach boosts user engagement and elevates your brand.

SaaS UX Design

SaaS UX design focuses on the user's journey, making every interaction smooth and satisfying. At Heartbeat, we prioritize functionality and user satisfaction, designing experiences that not only meet but exceed user expectations. Our designs drive conversions and foster brand loyalty.

Importance of creating a good SaaS UX design

In the SaaS world, KPIs like customer engagement, user satisfaction, and conversion rate reign supreme. Without impeccable design practices, elevating these KPIs is an uphill battle. Choosing the right UX design framework, devising a robust strategy, and adhering to fundamental design principles are the stepping stones to success.

Best practices to improve SaaS UI/UX design

While the realm of SaaS design might seem like a labyrinth, with the right compass, it's navigable. As with any design journey, some signposts guide the way.

We’ve curated a list of stand-out, tried-and-tested strategies and SaaS UX best practices that demystify the process and elevate the end product:

  1. User-Centric Design: Always prioritize the user. Understand their needs, frustrations, and aspirations.

  2. Consistent Interface: Maintain uniformity in design elements across the application for intuitive navigation.

  3. Responsive Design: Ensure the application is accessible and functional across devices.

  4. Feedback Loops: Implement systems to gather and act on user feedback regularly.

  5. Iterative Design: Continually test and refine design based on real-world usage.

For those keen on diving deeper into design frameworks and principles, heartbeat's guide on UX design frameworks and UI design tips are invaluable resources.

1. Keep it simple

SaaS platforms often house complex functionalities. However, a UX designer's magic lies in distilling this complexity into an intuitive user experience. It's not about stripping away essential features but crafting an interaction that feels familiar and effortless. Think straightforward buttons, intuitive gestures, and clear content. For inspiration on simplicity in design, take a peek at heartbeat's design process.

2. Design for all platforms and devices

In today's diverse tech landscape, a SaaS application must be versatile. Designing exclusively for one platform, iOS, for example, excludes a vast user base. A genuinely successful SaaS design is adaptable, ensuring a consistent and efficient experience across all devices. Look through heartbeat's portfolio to see adaptability in action.

3. Ensure easy registration

No one enjoys a tedious sign-up process. It's a user's first interaction with your platform, and if it's cumbersome, it sets a negative tone. Streamlining registration not only reduces drop-offs but also creates a positive and lasting first impression. For a comprehensive understanding of user-friendly interfaces, heartbeat's article on UI vs. UX is a goldmine.

4. Improve the onboarding experience

Handing a user a powerful tool without guidance can be overwhelming. A well-orchestrated onboarding experience educates users and ensures they harness the platform's full potential from day one. For insights on crafting impactful onboarding experiences, check out heartbeat' blog.

5. Create a better information architecture

An impeccable design loaded with features is futile if users can't navigate it. The robust architecture ensures users can effortlessly locate the information they seek. It's the backbone of any successful SaaS platform. For a deeper dive into the intricacies of information architecture, heartbeat's guide on design frameworks offers invaluable insights.

Examples of Great SaaS UX Design:


Personalized Onboarding

Slack is best known for its onboarding process, which feels entirely personalized. When using Slack for the first time, users find the application’s UI intuitive and engaging, making the onboarding process exciting and seamless.

User-Friendly Interface

The interface is designed to be user-friendly, reducing the learning curve and helping users get up to speed quickly. This enhances the overall user experience and keeps users coming back.

Efficient Team Communication

Slack’s design prioritizes efficient team communication, with features like channels, direct messaging, and integrations that simplify collaboration and boost productivity.


AI Chatbot Integration

Traditional customer support can be frustrating. Shopify incorporates an AI chatbot in its UX design, providing quick responses and in-depth support. This feature improves user interactions and enhances the overall user experience.

Streamlined Checkout Process

Shopify’s checkout process is designed to be quick and hassle-free, reducing cart abandonment and improving conversion rates.

Customizable Templates

Shopify offers a wide range of customizable templates, allowing users to create unique online stores that reflect their brand without needing extensive design skills.


Simplicity in Design

Dropbox stands out with its simple and easy-to-use interface. Users can quickly navigate the platform and access their files without confusion.

Seamless File Sharing

The platform makes file sharing straightforward, whether users are collaborating within a team or sharing files with external partners.

Consistent User Experience

Dropbox maintains a consistent user experience across all devices, ensuring that users can easily access their files from anywhere, anytime.


Smooth Offboarding

Offboarding is a vital aspect of product management. Figma provides an account deletion option, ensuring a smooth offboarding experience and increasing the chance of users returning in the future.

Real-time Collaboration

Figma’s real-time collaboration features allow multiple users to work on a design simultaneously, making it easier for teams to collaborate and iterate quickly.

Accessible Design Tools

Figma’s design tools are accessible and easy to use, enabling both beginners and experienced designers to create high-quality designs.


How much does SaaS UI/UX design typically cost?

The cost for SaaS UI/UX design can vary significantly, usually ranging from $5,000 to $15,000. This variation depends on the complexity and scope of the project.

What factors influence the cost of SaaS UI/UX design?

Several key factors affect the cost, including the extent of feature planning, the number and complexity of the features, the visual complexity of the design, and the expertise level of the design team.

How can I estimate the cost of SaaS UI/UX design for my project?

To estimate the cost, you should first map out the main features and user stories of your project. Then, calculate the time required for designing each aspect of the user journey. Finally, multiply this time by the hourly rate of your design team.

Does a more complex design always mean a higher cost?

Generally, yes. More complex designs require more time and expertise, which can increase the cost. This includes intricate features, advanced animations, and unique visual elements. However, the final cost also depends on the efficiency and methodology of your design team.

Key Takeaways - Summary:

  • The price and the time needed for SaaS UI/UX design can range widely, typically between $5,000 and $15,000.

  • Critical elements influencing the cost include the planning of features, the quantity and intricacy of these features, the visual complexity of the design, and the skill level of the design team.

  • To accurately gauge the cost for a specific project, it’s necessary to outline the main features and user experiences, assess the time required for designing each part of the user journey, and then apply the design team’s hourly rate to these calculations.

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